Welcome to BTS Archive! Hello~ Welcome to BTS Archive! This archive is an ongoing project by @YeppeunJimin (Jangmi). It's basically a site that would serve as an archive of BTS contents, as compiled—and sometimes translated—by Jangmi. Please understand that some pages may be blank or incomplete and some links may not lead anywhere—the archive is currently still under construction. If you have any comments or suggestion.. 2020.08.27 BTS Masterlist BTS Contents Masterlist Note: This masterlist gets updated every now & then when there are new contents. Please take note that @YeppeunJimin is still currently updating this masterlist, so there are lists that are still incomplete; these are marked with “update-in-progress” or “incomplete list”, while updated lists will include the date (format: YY-MM-DD) when they were last updated. Please don’.. 2018.12.11